JANUARY 9, 2020

Bolder 2020

Dear Clients, Partners, Associates, and Staff,

As we celebrate the opening of 2020, We would like to once again express our deepest gratitude for your support and continued patronage of YourBrokerPH.

2019 is our second year, and as expected we continued to face new challenges. We had to say goodbye to some of our staff who betrayed our values of integrity and hard work and let go of those who failed to share our Company’s vision of excellent real estate service. We made some mistakes, which fortunately were benign ones, because of the transitions and reorganizations we inevitably had to go through. Despite all these or perhaps because of these, we find ourselves stronger than ever, especially with our new General Manager Rhea Magbitang-Payuan.

Amidst the challenges, we continued serving our clients while exploring new partnerships, allowing us to hire and train more people, and serve more people in new locations this coming year. All these were made possible because of our clients’ business, our investor’s confidence, our partners’ dedication, and our associates’ and staff’s hard work.

2019 was a good year, but as we always say, good is never enough and we should always strive to be better. Just like in 2019, we will work harder and will have more focus, making sure that we do not grow too fast at the expense of our service. We will close more deals, serve more people, and forge more partnerships. In addition, we will endeavor to engage with you more through our informative articles and blogs.

We are very excited for 2020 as it presents another opportunity to bring YourBrokerPH closer to its vision of being YOUR BROKER in the Philippines. This year we will further strengthen our brokerage services, intensify our marketing efforts, secure more individual clients, forge partnerships and grow our network of associates.

On behalf of YourBrokerPH, thank you very much!

This year, we look forward to a bigger, stronger, and bolder YourBrokerPH to serve you better!
