I’ve often been asked how one can become a real estate salesperson.
Yesterday, someone sent this message, asking how he can be a real estate person and what things he needs to learn to be one.

The Real Estate Service Act of the Philippines (RESA) defines a real estate salesperson as “a duly accredited natural person who performs service for, and in behalf of a real estate broker who is registered and licensed by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service for or in expectation of a share in the commission, professional fee, compensation or other valuable consideration.” (italics supplied)
If one is NOT a licensed real estate broker, but is interested to receive compensation by engaging in real estate service, it is necessary that one gets accredited by the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service (Board), before engaging in real estate service. Section 31 of RESA provides that “[n]o real estate salesperson, either directly or indirectly, can negotiate, mediate or transact any real estate transaction for and in behalf of a real estate broker without first securing an authorized accreditation as real estate salesperson for the real estate broker, as prescribed by the Board.”
RESA makes it illegal to engage in real estate service practice without a license or accreditation. In fact, it imposes a penalty of a fine of not less than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than two (2) years, or both such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court for violations of its provisions.
In case the violation is committed by an unlicensed real estate service practitioner, the penalty is double: Two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than four (4) years, or both such fine and imprisonment.
So how can one become a real estate salesperson? It’s really not that complicated.
First, one should have completed at least two years of college.
Second, one should undergo training and seminars in real estate brokerage. Accredited centers regularly offer these training and seminars, which usually takes one and a half-day.
Finally, one should look for a real estate broker who can supervise him or her. The broker can provide the salesperson support by providing him the logistics or leads to help jump-start the salespersons career. More importantly, the broker can share his experience and knowledge of real estate service to salespersons who are just starting out in their career.
Unlike Real Estate Brokers, those who want to become salespersons are not required to take a Board exam. Once the training is completed, they only need to submit an accomplished application form (click this link to download the form) with the Professional Regulation Commission to get accredited.
If you are interested to become a real estate salesperson, get accredited by a licensed broker, and learn more about the real estate practice, you may send me a message via Facebook messenger or click this link and become part of YourBrokerPH Network.